August 17, 2023 | Terry Smith

How do Care Homes access HelpFall?

In this short article, we will answer some of the most common questions we are asked by care homes looking to purchase HelpFall, and by ICBs looking to do care home falls projects; How do care homes access HelpFall? and What should we do if the care home staff don’t have access to a smartphone or tablet?

How do care homes access HelpFall?

HelpFall is accessed via scanning a QR code, which takes you to the HelpFall tool. HelpFall is intended to be used on a smartphone or tablet.

When ordering HelpFall alongside the Raizer Lifting Chair, your QR code will be attached to the Raizer Chair carry case. If HelpFall is ordered without the Raizer chairs, your QR code stickers will be sent directly to you via mail. We will also provide a poster with the QR code, which can be displayed on a wall in your care home.

HelpFall is a web application, so there’s no need to download anything. Simply scan the QR code using your smartphone or tablet camera and you’ll be taken straight to the tool. Enter your unique access code and go.

You will need an internet connection to access and use HelpFall, but it doesn’t use much data so the signal required is very small.


What if the care home staff don’t have access to a smartphone or tablet?

Whilst HelpFall is designed to be accessed on a smartphone or tablet, we understand that some care home staff may not have this technology available to them. 

In this scenario, there are two options:

  1. HelpFall can be accessed on a PC or laptop by navigating to the HelpFall web address and entering your unique access code. 
  2. Where this isn’t an option, we can provide a paper-based version of the HelpFall tool. The obvious downside to the paper-based version is that it lacks HelpFall’s interactive functions such as quick tips, videos, and the reporting function. 



I trust this short article has answered your questions about how to access HelpFall! If you have a question that we’ve missed, feel free to get in touch on 01473 74144, or by filling in the contact form at the bottom of the page. 



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Got a question or want to send us a message? Let’s talk.



Terry Smith

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