February 2, 2024 | Terry Smith

How much does the StaminaLift TS5000 Bed & Stretcher Mover cost?

How much does the StaminaLift TS5000 Bed & Stretcher Mover cost? This will always be one of the first questions anyone will ask when researching the StaminaLift bed movers or bed & stretcher movers in general.

We get it. Price matters. It’s not the only consideration but it’s pretty important, and for many of us it’s something that has a big influence over what products we choose.

At Felgains, we aim to educate every prospective buyer, even if that ultimately leads you towards a different type of bed mover. So, in this article, I’ll do my best to outline the actual price of the StaminaLift bed mover and explain to you what factors affect the price.



How much does the StaminaLift TS5000 Bed Mover cost?

The Staminalift TS5000 transforms the laborious task of pushing beds and stretchers into a controlled and easy operation, removing the risk of back injury and improving the work environment for your portering staff. The TS5000 starts from £16,779 exc. VAT, or £20,134.80 incl. VAT. 

Optional extras

There are some optional extras available for the StaminaLift Bed Mover. The costs for these are as follows:

Option Description Price exc. VAT Price inc. VAT
Ride-on platform Allows portering staff to ride rather than having to walk behind the machine. When not in use, the platform can be folded up. £823.00 £987.60
Extra wide jaws In the unlikely event that the standard jaws do not fit a bed or trolley, extended jaws are available for the TS5000 to accommodate wider products. £893.00 £1071.60


What is included as standard in the cost?

Included as standard is delivery & training, and a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty.


What about servicing and maintenance?

The StaminaLift TS5000 requires an annual service, which costs £265 excluding VAT

Aside from this, most maintenance work, repairs, and emergency call-outs would be chargeable, with the cost depending on the manner of work and parts required. 



I trust this article has given you a clear understanding of how much the StaminaLift TS5000 costs, and what factors affect the cost. 

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your requirements with us, feel free to call us on 01473 741144, or reach out via the contact form at the bottom of this article. 



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Got a question or want to send us a message? Let’s talk.



Terry Smith

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