VENDLET V5S Patient Turning System

The VENDLET V5S Patient Turning System helps caregivers carry out in bed moving & handling tasks for those with limited mobility. At the touch of a button, the VENDLET V5S system allows just one caregiver to reposition a client in bed – with minimal manual handling effort.

See how much money you could save on your care packages by implementing the VENDLET V5S with our Cost Benefit Calculator.

To request a free trial of the Vendlet Turning System, click here.

Key Benefits at a glance

  • Facilitates single handed care - less carers and significant financial savings on care packages
  • Less hands-on approach - greater dignity for the carer and the person in bed
  • Helps retain independence and allows families to look after their loved ones at home
  • Can be used for all handling tasks in bed with minimal manual handling
  • Fits to around 90% of community profiling beds

Product Information

  • The VENDLET V5S patient turning system is a mechanised patient turning system with motorised roller bars which allow the caregiver to turn and position a person in bed with minimal manual effort. The V5S system fits to the vast majority of standard community profiling beds. Turning and rolling people in bed can be heavy and hard work – which is practically eliminated with the use of the VENDLET V5S.

    The VENDLET V5S patient turning system comprises of two motorised roller bars that are operated by a handset. The roller bars are mounted to the sides of a community profiling bed with integrated siderails that also move up and down. A slide sheet is attached to the mattress to provide a slippery surface for manoeuvres. A cotton turn sheet is attached to the roller bars with Velcro and sits on top of the slide sheet. The person in bed lies on the cotton turn sheet as they would a normal bedsheet. When one of the roller bars is turned it winds the turn sheet in towards it. This starts a controlled turning motion, allowing the caregiver to gently guide the person to the desired position.

    The VENDLET V5S Patient Turning system is for any individual or organisation who is tasked with turning a person with limited mobility in bed. This includes health and social care workers, family carers and care home staff. The VENDLET acts as a turn aid for the caregiver to assist them with taks that would otherwise involve extensive manual handling. The VENDLET V5S is highly versatile and can be mounted onto the majority of community profiling beds.

    Commonly used by just one caregiver, uses of the VENDLET V5S patient turner include:

    • Turning an individual from side to side into lateral, prone or supine positions.
    • Moving the person nearer to the edge of the bed for care tasks
    • Repositioning an individual back up the bed where they have slipped down.
    • Applying and removing a sling or changing an incontinence product.

    To see how other individuals and organisations have benefitted from implanting the VENDLET V5S system, please take a look at our case studies page.

    The original VENDLET system was developed by a Danish innovator who had noticed that his wife was struggling with the physical strain of turning their disabled daughter in bed. Since then, the technology has been developed and refined by a registered physiotherapist, and the V5S is now the most advanced turning system on the market.

    If the individual you are considering the VENDLET for is over 200kg / 31stone, then please take a look at our VENDLET system for plus-sized individuals, the VENDLET Bari.

    To find out how the VENDLET V5S patient turning system could help your organisation save money on care packages whilst improving dignity and quality in care, please call us or request a free no-obligation trial using the buttons above.

    Please note: The VENDLET V5S system is only compatible with VENDLET™ slide sheets and turn sheets. Use of other sheets may invalidate the warranty and may constitute a risk to user safety. Please speak to us for further details.

  • There are at least three main benefits to using the VENDLET V5S patient turning system, for both the caregiver and the service user.

    1.  Improved well-being

    Use of the VENDLET V5S turning system enables a less intrusive ‘hands-off’ approach to repositioning, which boosts the dignity for the person in bed and can help reduce anxiety. The smooth, controlled motion and even distribution of pressure can also help by making repositioning more tolerable for individuals in severe pain.

    And, as the VENDLET V5S can be operated by just one care giver, the V5S turning system makes it easier for care agencies to improve consistency in care, and the one-to-one environment engenders a more personal connection between the individual and the care giver.

    2.  Improved carer safety

    Manually turning an individual in bed requires a high level of force, even when adhering to best practice guidelines. As such, back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders account for approximately 40% of all sickness absence in the NHS. Turning an individual using the V5S patient turning system completely eradicates the need for moving and handling, dramatically reducing the risk of carer injury.

    3.  Improved efficiency, with single-handed or reduced care

    As previously mentioned, it only takes one pair of hands to turn an individual with the VENDLET V5S system. The most obvious benefit to this for budget managers is the ability to stretch their human resource further in order to meet growing demand. It also helps slash costly care packages. Co-ordinators will also know that organising multiple carers to be in the same place at the same time can be challenging due to their incredibly busy schedules.

  • As well as fully complying with IEC guideline 60601-2-52:2009 – which applies to the “basic safety and essential performance of medical beds intended for adults”, the VENDLET V5S offers a variety of features that make it the most advanced system available:

    • Unlike other systems, you can operate the VENDLET V5S turning aid from one side of the bed; there is no need to move furniture (or even the bed) to the middle of the room. This is an incredible space-saver.
    • The VENDLET V5S has integral siderails. There is no need to add any additional plastic sideguards once repositioning is completed.
    • The VENDLET V5S also features a speed-adjustment function on the hand control, particularly beneficial for patients with neurological conditions or chronic pain.
    • A plus-size (bariatric) model, the VENDLET Bari, is available for patients up to 400kg (63 stone).
    • The VENDLET V5S complies to all anti-entrapment regulations and with MDD 93/42/EEC.
  • Technical Specifications

    To find out if your bed is compatible, please look at our compatibility list. If you are unsure, please contact us.

  • Is the VENDLET V5S a bed?

    No, the VENDLET V5S system is a bed positioning aid. Comprising of a set of roller bars, a slide sheet and a turning sheet, the V5S fits onto a profiling bed and is used to turn or reposition a patient via a handcontrol.


    Will the VENDLET V5S fit all beds?

    The VENDLET V5S system is easy to integrate with existing care packages and will fit to most profiling nursing care beds.


    Does the VENDLET V5S prevent the profiling action of the bed from being used?

    No, full functionality of the profiling bed is retained.


    Can the VENDLET V5S be used on an air mattress?

    Yes, it is compatible with all mattresses and does not have a negative impact on interface pressure.


    Are there alternatives to outright purchase of the VENDLET V5S?

    Yes, 3- and 5-year leases are available as an alternative to outright purchase or rental.


    How can I calculate cost savings?

    You can work out the potential sum you could save by reducing a care package by using our VENDLET cost saving calculator. This can be submitted as part of a business case. To find out more and get your own calculator, please contact us.


    What sheets are included with the VENDLET V5S?

    You will receive three cotton turn sheets and two nylon slide sheets. Disposable sheets are also available in boxes of 10.


    Does the patient sleep on the VENDLET sheet?

    Yes, the patient sleeps on the turn sheet. It is important that the sheet is always slackened before leaving the patient, to ensure free movement of the sheet and to eliminate potential shear and friction.


    Can the VENDLET sheets be washed?

    Yes, the turning sheets are washable at 95° and can be tumble-dried. The slide sheet is also washable at 60°. Where required, disposable sheets are also available.


    How do I change the VENDLET sheet when the client is in bed?

    The turn sheet is attached to the roller bar with Velcro. By fully unwinding the sheet on one side of the bed you can tuck the used sheet underneath the patient. Then, by applying a new sheet to the same side, you can use the VENDLET V5S system to turn the patient and remove the used sheet and attach the clean sheet in its place. Watch this training video to see it in action.


    How to manage incontinence with the VENDLET V5S system?

    There are disposable slide and turn sheets available for the VENDLET V5S system. Alternatively, the Inkolet is a very large, highly absorbent incontinence sheet that works well with the V5S. It eliminates the need for several sheets, comfortably covering the full width of a standard bed.


    How does the VENDLET V5S trial period work?

    Following a consultation call, the trial is agreed. Felgains will come and install the VENDLET and provide training. There is then a trial period of 14 days after which an outcome must be declared and a further 14 days is allowed for placing the order. The trial is no-obligation, free and there is no removal fee if the trial is unsuccessful. Please also bear in mind that funding must be in place before the trial begins. Click here to request your free no-obligation trial.


    Do you provide carer training on using the VENDLET V5S system?

    Yes, we offer full training sessions with our in-house physiotherapist for any carers involved at no cost. Once the initial training is complete, we remain on hand to answer any questions or queries that may arise; just email [email protected] and we will be in touch with you.


    How does the installation of the VENDLET V5S system work?

    For installation, it is necessary for the bed to be unoccupied. Installation normally takes up to 90 minutes, followed by a 60-minute training session.


    Can the VENDLET V5S be used for multiple users and is it easily transferred?

    The VENDLET V5S system can be used for multiple users and there are disposable sheets available. The V5S can be transferred between beds; this takes around 1 hour 30 minutes to complete.


    How can the client be moved back up the bed using the VENDLET V5S?

    By slackening the sheet on both sides of the bed you can use the hand control to move the patient back up the bed. Simply guide the sheet onto the rollers, each side in turn, and the patient gently moves back up the bed. Watch this video to see it in action.


    Do you offer extended warranties/service contracts on the V5S?

    We offer a 5-year Service Contract on the VENDLET V5S system which includes 5 annual services.


    Can the VENDLET V5S be fitted to a wide bed?

    Yes, the VENDLET V5S system can be fitted to a wide bed.


    Can the VENDLET V5S be used with other brands of turn sheet and slide sheet?

    No, this will result in decreased performance and may invalidate the warranty and constitute a risk to patient safety. Only VENDLET™ sheets may be used.

  • We regularly run webinars about what the VENDLET is and how the system can help you improve care. Take a look at some of our previous webinars below;

    Who the VENDLET is for, how to use and when to specify Managing Plus Sized Patients with Anita Rush MSC DIP RGN VENDLET Basic vs V5S Comparison Webinar
  • How to turn and reposition a patient with the V5S

    Click here to see the full VENDLET V5S Training Video Playlist on Youtube

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