August 25, 2023 | Terry Smith

What is the expected lifetime of the Raizer Lifting Chair?

We’re often asked by customers and prospective customers of the Raizer Lifting Chair about how long the expected lifetime is, so in this short blog, we aim to answer all of your questions about the expected lifetime of the Raizer 1, 2, and M Lifting Chairs. 

Expected lifetime of the Raizer 1 & 2

The manufacturer of the Raizer Lifting Chairs states that the expected service life of the Raizer 1 and Raizer 2 Lifting Chairs is 5 years

In reality, we actually have customers still using Raizer 1 Lifting Chairs that were bought soon after they were first brought into the UK, which was almost 8 years ago!

That being said, if your Raizer 1 is over 5 years old and is used frequently, we would recommend you consider upgrading to the Raizer 2 to ensure we are able to continue to service your equipment and support you with spare parts. 

Expected lifetime of the Raizer M

As the Raizer M is designed for low-frequncy use in domestic environment, the life expectancy is slightly different. 

The expected service life of the Raizer M is either 5 years or 1000 lifts at maximum load; whatever is reached first.




I trust this short blog article has answered your questions about the expected lifetime of the Raizer lifting chairs. If there’s something we’ve missed, or if you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us via the contact form at the bottom of the page. 



Related articles

Comparing the Raizer 2 vs the discontinued Raizer 1 – what’s the difference?

What servicing does the Raizer Lifting Chair require?

What training is required to use the Raizer Lifting Chair?



Get in touch

Got a question or want to send us a message?  Let’s talk.



Terry Smith

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