February 15, 2023 | Terry Smith

How Much Does The HelpFall Post Falls Decision Support Tool Cost? (Updated For 2024)

This is likely to be one of the top questions you’ll ask when considering the best post falls decision support tool for your service.

And while the most important factors will probably be things like accreditations, we understand price will also influence your decision. After all, HelpFall is not free-of-charge so you’ll want to be sure you’re getting value for money.

We believe in giving you all the information you need to make your decision, even if that leads you towards a different post falls protocol. So, in this article, I’ll outline exactly how much HelpFall will cost your service to run.

What is HelpFall?

HelpFall is the new standard in post-falls decision making, designed to support care staff in safely assessing a person who has fallen.

Find out more

How much does HelpFall cost?

The short answer is there’s no single price as it depends on how many users there are in your organisation. Now, let’s break it down precisely.

For care homes and small community response teams

The Starter Package is designed for care homes or response teams of up to 5 users and costs £19 per month. With this package, you can use HelpFall for up to 25 post falls assessments every month.

For larger community response teams

The Establish Package is suitable for response teams of up to 10 users and costs £39 per month. Or for teams with up to 25 users, the Scale Package costs £89 per month. With both these options, you get unlimited uses every month.

Larger teams or system-wide implementation

If you’re an Integrated Care Board (ICB) considering a system-wide roll-out, potentially across several hundred care homes and community responders in your region, please contact us for a bespoke pricing package.


What is included as standard across all packages?

You’ll get 24/7 access to the HelpFall Web App via your unique access code. Subject to usage limits outlined above, you’ll get HelpFall’s automated reports which give you a record of your post falls assessment and actions taken.

And as part of onboarding, we’ll also provide resources such as induction videos and user guides.


What else affects the cost?

HelpFall Insights Programme

This is a particularly popular option for ICBs implementing HelpFall to gain a system-wide view of what’s happening with falls in their region. Quarterly reports will provide aggregate falls data, as well as falls prevention insights and KPI tracking.

For care homes and response teams with up to 5 users, this option costs an extra £4 per month.

For response teams of up to 10 users, it’s an extra £7.50 per month; or £15 per month for teams up to 25 users.


View HelpFall Packages and Pricing



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Got a question or want to send us a message?  Let’s talk.



Terry Smith

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